Massage Tips
A massage is a relaxing and soothing experience that pampers the body of the recipient, releases tension, prevent and cure pain and ailments in the best comfortable way. In this page we are going to offer you some of the essential massage tips that must be kept in mind while going for a massage therapy by a qualified therapist or masseur/masseuse. One must follow these massage tips every time going for a massage, no matter whether what type of massage is done or which specific part of the body is used in the massage. There are different massage tips for the physical therapist as well as the massage recipient. Keep scrolling!
One of the first and foremost massage tips for therapists is to use oil, cream or lotion on the body of the recipient in order to reduce the friction produced on the skin and also to prevent hair pulling. But too much oil should not be used as the less the oil is, the greater the friction on the skin is and deeper the pressure is. Initially slower movements should be used for a calming and soothing effect on the recipient. While applying pressure to any specific body site of the client with the thumb or any other finger, don?t forget to provide support to that finger with other fingers otherwise the thumb or that particular finger can also break or suffer from severe pain.
While exerting pressure on bony structures, minimal direct pressure should only be exerted. Those parts of the recipient?s body having blisters, broken skin or are any areas of possible infection should be avoided. The therapist must be well aware whenever the recipient tells him of any pain or discomfort.
There are many massage tips for recipients to make the therapy session a complete success. Good communication is of great importance in a massage session both from the therapist?s side and from the recipient?s also. The recipient must provide accurate health information in a detailed way so that the massage therapist gets to know what he requires to do. During the massage, if you feel like giving any feedback on the amount of movement, pressure, room temperature, speed, light or volume of music, then don?t hesitate to speak out. The recipient must be of receptive nature. Keep it in mind that nothing should be eaten before a massage session. Breathing facilitates relaxation, so people oft stop breathing while a sensitive area is massaged or they feel anxious. Whenever you realize this, simply start breathing.
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