Craniosacral Therapy
Craniosacral Therapy is one of the methods of massage that has proved quite helpful to those who have undergone such massage.
Massage is derived from a French word meaning ?friction of kneading?. You can also refer to the Arabic word massa while trying to find out the derivative meaning of massage. The word massa means ?to touch, feel, handle?. While offering massages pressure is applied on the body of the patient to help him to get relief from stress and tension. Massages also involves the movement of muscles, ligaments, veins, tendon and also skin. Massages are usually done with hands, forearms, fingers and even feet. If you make a research on the methods of types of treatments the number of the types may figure around 80.
Methods of massage
The massage parlors or the professionals will give you different types of massages keeping in mind your needs and requirements. The craniosacral therapy is one of the widely used methods of massage. Other popular methods include Bowen Therapy, ayurvedic Abhayanga massage, chair massage, breema, champissage, Esalen massage, lomilomi and shiastu.
Craniosacral Therapy
Craniosacral Therapy is a complementary and alternative medicine that is quite popular among the therapists, osteopaths, naturopaths, physical therapists and doctors. The craniosacral therapy involves movement of cerebrospinal fluid which is sometimes restricted by traumas, accidents or even nervous tension. During this type of massage the spine, cranial sutures, skull, diaphragms and the fascia are gently massaged so that the fluid whose flow was so long prohibited begin to flow slowly through the nerve.
Craniosacral Therapy is particularly meant for curing back pain, chronic pain, TMG Syndrome. Just have a craniosacral therapy after a hectic schedule in your office and you will feel relief from mental stress.
The Primary Respiratory Mechanism
Craniosacral therapy has its basis on the cranial concept of Sutherland. The Primary Respiratory Mechanism which is a part of cranial concept focusses on certain points. The mobility of central nervous system, cranial bones, intraspinal dual membranes and intracranial and sacrum between ilia besides the movement of the cerebrospinal fluid.
Guidelines regarding craniosacral therapy
While undergoing a craniosacral therapy a client should be in a supine position. The person who performs the therapy has to follow certain guideline. Firstly you have to know the cranial rhythm of your patient. Try to create a still point at the base region of the skull of the patient. Move the sacrum and perform a massage in the longitudinal direction of spine particularly in the lumbar sacral region. Then move the pelvic bones and the thoracic diaphragms. Gently release the hyoid bone. These therapy can be performed on all especially the children derive wide range of benefits from this therapy.
Though there is hardly any side effect of the craniosacral therapy yet try to have massage from a therapist or a specialist. In United States, UK and Australia there are some institutions who offer training in craniosacral therapy.