The therapeutic effects of massage has been well established and what used to be a leisure activity has found a place in the health world. The miracles that has been worked by this touch and pressure technique is amazing. Among the various methods of massage Breema is one of the bodywork techniques that rejuvenates the energy by initializing the healing effects that is present in the body.
History of Breema
Breema was practiced in a village in the mountains of the Near East. In the United States Breema found a place in the Breema center that was set up in Oakland.
The benefits of Breema
Breema helps people to utilize the healing powers that are present within the body. The nurturing process ignites the senses and generates a freshness and energy that is enough to make most of your complaints vanish. This particular type of massage allows you to be tuned with your senses, a relation of harmony is established that goes a long way in establishing good health. The beneficial effects of Breema includes renewal of life force, a clear mind and increased concentration, releases the tension, induces flexibility, generates muscle health and improves skeletal structure strength.
Better functioning of the nervous system, relief from stress and proper flow of the circulatory system.
The components of Breema
There are three parts of Breema- Bodywork, Self Breema Exercises and nine universal principles of Breema. The bodywork involves working with a trained individual fully clothed while lying down on the floor. It involves leaning, stretching, bending and holding. Every movement smoothly flows from one to another in rhythm. The self Breema exercises are designed individually and involves light movement that are not strenuous and allows for a natural flow of the dormant energies of the body.
The nine principles of Harmony
Body comfortable- when the body is made a part of us, a united system that mingles with our senses then whatever body complaints we have will not be present.
No Extra- The inner nature that each of us possess needs to be brought out and we will require no extra efforts.
Firmness and Gentleness- The two should act together naturally; firmness should not be aggressive but should be gentle and in gentleness we should be firm. That is be kind but do not get carried away with it it should have a limit which is expressed in firmness.
Full Participation- The mind, body and the senses should act together in tune with each other and in perfect harmony.
Mutual support- The more the urge to live more is the forces of life which supports its living. In other words if we want to live then the natural forces unitedly support this wish.
No Judgment- We need to accept things as they are and be satisfied without judging.
Single Moment- Enjoy every moment of life.
No hurry- The natural energy is slow and steady you should not hurry.
No force- We should not assume separation then we will not require to use force.