If you are thinking of visiting a massage parlor and experience a massage then go for lomilomi which has become one of the popular methods of massage in recent times.
Massage is basically a treatment which is performed by the movement of the tissues of your body in order to solve various problems which may be medical, therapeutic or even emotional. During massage presuure is applied on the muscles, ligaments, skins, joints and connective tissues. These massages help a lot to get relief from stress and tension.
Methods of massage
The usefulness of massages have been realized all over the world. Different methods of massages are applied in different countries. Some of popular methods of massages that are used extensively are Bowen Therapy, Ayurvedic Abhayanga Masasge, Breema, chair massage, Esalen massage, Shiastu, craniosacral therapy and of couse lomilomi. However all the methods will leave an impact on your mind, body and spirit.
Lomilomi and Huna philosophy
Lomilomi is however a popular method of Hawaiian massage.
The word lomilomi itself means massage. If you want to get an idea of lomilomi you have to understand the the Hawaiian philosophy which is known by the name of Huna. The Huna philosophy is based on healing and different body work. According to this Hawaiian philosophy we are always in search of love and are trying to find harmony in all things that surrounds us. You must be wandering how the Huna philosophy is connected with lomilomi. The word lomilomi also means massages performed with ?loving hands?.
The practitioners of lomilomi apply gentle massage and strokes on the body which help the person undergoing such masasge to relax. The relief and the comfort of the clients are uppermost thing in the mind of the practitioners.
How to perform lomilomi
Lomilomi is concerned with the flow of energy all over the body. The practitioner usually applies long and continuous strokes on the body of the clients. Your energy receives a new dimension and also all the blockages in your body are slowly and gradually released. The flow of blood and lymph come back to normal helping you to feel free from all tensions.
The massage usually begins with a silent prayer by the practitioner who seeks blessing so that the client may be cured of all the problems that he is facing. Before the massage the client is enquired about his problems so that masseuse can apply massage according. Hence the technique of applying lomilomi varies.
The practitioner uses his forearms and sometimes his arms to give a rhythmic motion to your body. You may feel that motion of waves on your body. You may experience the massage on different parts of your body at the same time. Since the massage is done on the different parts of your body simultaneously, hence there is a complete harmony which will help you to feel relax. But what is more important is the correct technoque of application of the massage. The pace of the massage may vary at times. But whatever technique may be applied you may be sure that lomilomi will help inrelease of your physical, mental as well as emotional stress.
So enjoy the experience of this Hawaiian form of massage. Lomilomi will definitely help you to feel good.